

Here is the illustration that Robin Moline created of The Olympic Club golf course in San Francisco for this year’s US Open.  Her illustration was used in print and also as an interactive course map.

This is the 10th course that Robin has illustrated for the US Open:

Robin Moline – The Olympic Club – US Open 2012

We love info graphics!  They are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives, and they are such a creative way to show what might otherwise be pretty dry and boring information.  Here is a look at some info graphic projects that our illustrators, Johnny Kotzé and Lucie Rice, recently worked on (click images for a closer look at these data-filled illustrations!) :

Johnny Kotzé – Infographic illustrations for Eskom pitch

View more of Johnny’s work

Lucie Rice – Infographic for the University of Southern Indiana

We are super excited to announce our latest artist signing: Johnny Kotzé!  Johnny lives in Cape Town, South Africa, and he brings yet another unique style to our group.  In addition to illustration, Johnny does typography, hand lettering, design, and info graphics.  And he even dabbles in making music and videos…  Welcome to the group, Johnny!

Johnny Kotzé – Musica
Johnny Kotzé – Havaianas
Johnny Kotzé – Slyders
Johnny Kotzé – Metro FM 1
Johnny Kotzé – Matro FM 2
Johnny Kotzé – Red, White, Green

Robin Moline created this illustration of Amoolia Earhart for the AeroShell AirVenture 2012 poster.  The EAA AirVenture, known as “the world’s greatest aviation celebration”, is an annual event that takes place in Osk Kosh, Wisconsin.  The event just opened yesterday, and Robin’s poster illustration was unveiled for the first time.  Here it is:

Robin Moline – AirVenture 2012 Poster illustration

Calef Brown created this illustration for The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance program, which works to foster school environments “where equality and justice are not just taught, but lived”.
Calef was asked to base his illustration on the following quote:
“Today we have gathered and see that the cycles of life continue. We
have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other
and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we
give greetings and thanks to each other as People. Now our minds are
–Adapted from the Mohawk by John Stokes and David Kanawahienton Benedict

And here’s what he came up with!

Calef Brown – Teaching Tolerance

Christophe Lopez-Huici recently illustrated this cover for a new 7″ single by the 60 Second Swingers.  They are a French garage punk band from La Rochelle, and this is their second release.  On the B-side is a cover they did of the song “60 Second Swingers” by Little Phil and the Night Shadows.  The band’s name was inspired by that song, and so they asked Christophe to come up with an illustration similar to the image on the original Little Phil and the Night Shadows LP.  It looks to us like Christophe nailed it!

Christophe Lopez-Huici – Cover art for 60 Second Swingers…
…inspired by this album cover by Little Phil and the Night Shadows

Jennifer Vaughn Artist Agency welcomes French-born, New York resident, Christophe Lopez-Huici to the group!  With clients such as Google, Christie’s, Pfizer, Atlantic Records, Bill Plympton, as well as a large range of smaller music labels and independent music magazines, Christophe brings yet another layer of style, skills, and personality to the team.

His illustration approach has a hint of the very traditional French ‘bande dessinées’ (cartoon), while retaining a clear unique personality and presence:

Christophe Lopez-Huici - character illustration

Christophe Lopez-Huici - Album design for the Barbacans

Christophe Lopez-Huici - Album design for the Barbacans

Christophe Lopez-Huici - B&W interior and architectural illustration

Christophe Lopez-Huici - B&W interior and architectural illustration

Christophe Lopez-Huici - Illustration for Christie's

Christophe Lopez-Huici - Illustration for Christie's

Some of his animation / claymation projects include a 7 minute-long animated sequence for the documentary Mamachas Del Ring. The movie has been screened in many festivals worldwide, including Slamdance and the Margaret Mead film festival in NY. His own animated short, Mondo Claymo has been in festivals all over the country and was shown at the Festival de Cannes‘s Short Film Corner in May 2011 — here is a peek:

You can also check out Christophe’s super-cool music magazine, Bananas Magazine, which he created collaboratively with 4 friends in late 2009 – it is now distributed in 12 countries!

Some new Charles Glaubitz illustrations for the band Sonidero Travesura‘s new CD project.
The album name; Tigre Digital Greatest Hits.

Charles Glaubitz illustration for “El Tigre Digital”
Charles Glaubitz illustration for “El Tigre Digital” – Back cover
Charles Glaubitz illustration for “El Tigre Digital” – Front cover

Lucie Rice will be participating in the upcoming Nashville Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society, and she created this new piece of art to help with her fundraising efforts.  Anyone who makes a donation on Lucie’s behalf will receive a signed 11″x17″ poster designed by Lucie and featuring her inspiring new illustration – great art for a great cause!

Lucie Rice poster illustration for a good cause

Lucie Rice poster illustration for the American Cancer Society

Lucie Rice was honored to be the featured artist for the 24th Annual Southern Festival of Books, and here is the poster design she created for the event.  Lucie was happy to contribute her art to the festival, especially considering that she loves poster design, reading, AND that Nashville happens to be her hometown!

Lucie Rice – Illustration for the 24th Annual Southern Festival of Books